Since I have so many handles left over from making silver spoon necklace,  I thought I would put them to good use…
Silver handles, old water faucet handles and vintage brooch
Silver handles, clock face with found button and lots of old keys
Silver handles, one stamped “Bloom”
clock face with an old rhinestone pin
Silver handles one stamped “Bloom”
old washer and an old rhinestone button

(My favorite!) Silver handles with a 
beautiful vintage blue rhinestone brooch

A smaller silver handle flower with an
old gold rhinestone brooch
ok, maybe this in my favorite..
Silver forks with an old water faucet handle
with an old rhinestone button

but I am kind of partial to this one too..
great old red water faucet hand with a big
crystal  button
I weld all the “petals” together, add the center of the flower and weld all that onto a zinc rod.  They are ready to shine in the garden!
I am working on the bowl of the spoon as petals that will rotate when the wind hits them..stay tuned for photos!
I have these for sale at Witherspoons Antique Mall in Granbury,  Angels with Attitude in Glen Rose and Sugar Moons in Hico.  If you are ever in Central Texas, you really should visit these amazing shops. Each one is full of amazement!
Hope everyone has a happy day!