It is my dad’s birthday today!
Dad~ You have always held me strong and tight. Lifted my spirits and dried my tears. Laughed with me, taught me how to appreciate the smallest things in life, to keep my head held high, look people in the eye and to have a firm handshake. Even though I work in a mostly man’s world, you taught me how to man-up and not back down. To love art, books and details. Measure twice, cut once. To look at the tinest flower that everyone else would step over. To appreciate the universe, the stars, the sand. To love mankind and love America. To stand tall when the flag goes by with my hand over my heart. You are overcoming a great obstacle without complaining, and as always, putting everyone else’s needs before your own.You are a true gentleman, still opens the car door for mom.  Stands up when a women enters the room and offers her a seat. 
You stood proud during the Korean war by your fallen brothers, standing guard over their bodies, silently grieving with the families.  You are what is lacking in today’s society.   A proud American that loves and protects our family and friends.
You love to dance, teaching me how to waltz while I stood on your feet as a child.  
I could go on and on about my dad,   He is the standard that all other men have to rise to, many have failed…
                                                          My first love and only Hero..
Dad helping me create a piece of stained glass
His last day of radiation treatment!!

A cold day of hiking and taking pictures in the mountains of NC.

Dad loves his Blue Ridge Mountains and so do I!
A surprise puppy for dad and mom..

Mom and dad, married 58 years!

 I could have not have wished for a better dad. I am very proud of you the way you have grace, patience and understanding. My admiration for you is limitless! I love you to the moon and back. Happy Birthday Dad! I hope it is the best ever!