It has been well OVER 100 degrees here in central Texas for the last few weeks.
I have been watering my garden like crazy. I have managed to get produce from my poor little garden
My sunflowers love the heat…
My squash and zucchini are doing pretty good too. I have grilled, baked, roasted, fried and cut it up for the birds.
I don’t think my water sprinkler has quit in a week! Notice my puny little corn in the background as well as my beans and peppers
Big boy tomatoes
I eat the cherry tomatoes right off the vine…so good!
Nothing better than a tomato sandwich!
The tomatoes are beautiful. We just had two days of rain…yay.
OH MY WORD, look at all the gems your garden has produced for you even in those harsh conditions. OKAY! your garden looks wonderful, now is that a real working sink? TOO CUTE.
I pray you will will get rain soon. We have a few days of it but not enough. Still blazing hot, even my plants that take full sun are withering so I had to move them to some shade.
Thank you dear for the continued prayers, they are so greatly needed. He is in PT now, not sure how long that will be.
GOD bless you all and keep you safe.
My dog actually knows the word “tomatoes” and tries to steal the cherry ones when we head out to the garden. He bumps my hand to make me drop them.
Grocery store tomatoes just can’t compare, can they?