The rain came really close to us…but parted and went around us. I could see the rain in the distance! I guess I will get my watering can out…again… Maybe next time….
Cindy – your photos and feel of your blog is great – I’ve signed on as a follower – thanks for visiting mine and leaving such a sweet comment! amy of four corners design
I hope you get some much needed rain soon! I’m so glad you stopped by so we could meet, I love meeting a fellow solderer! It is one of my many favorite ways to express myself and well, a molten lava hot soldering iron can be so exhilirating! I am your newest follower. I loved the post about plowday, that is just so cool! I’m sure it must have been a meaningful experience. your photos are beautiful… t. xoxo
How I wish we could send you some of our rain! It’s amazing how some parts of the country suffer because of too much water while others suffer because there is none.
Cindy – your photos and feel of your blog is great – I’ve signed on as a follower – thanks for visiting mine and leaving such a sweet comment!
amy of four corners design
wish i could have pushed those clouds over just a bit more for you!
We got a little of it…until then we’d had a total of 1/2 inch since last November.
Where in Texas are you? I didn’t realize you were right up the road. :~)
I hope you get some much needed rain soon! I’m so glad you stopped by so we could meet, I love meeting a fellow solderer! It is one of my many favorite ways to express myself and well, a molten lava hot soldering iron can be so exhilirating! I am your newest follower.
I loved the post about plowday, that is just so cool! I’m sure it must have been a meaningful experience. your photos are beautiful… t. xoxo
We did pay the price for the rain…hail and wind. I guess it was worth it. I will blow your way really hard next time.
How I wish we could send you some of our rain! It’s amazing how some parts of the country suffer because of too much water while others suffer because there is none.