
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” Steve Kloves



I am not really sure what this blog is going to be about.  I have ideas and thoughts running through my mind.  I am not sure how I am supposed to behave and think right now.

I was raised to be kind to everyone and everything.  To not be racist, judgmental or bias. I truly believe that is the only way to live.  I can not judge anyone, it isn’t my job.


My job is to see everyone as an equal.

But sometimes it is hard.  It doesn’t help that we have 24/7 media coverage of every little thing that is drummed into our head and tries to make it into our hearts.  People from all sides yelling.   I get it, with all the social media, one has to yell to be heard over all the other clammer.


There are bad people and I know there is evil in the world.   I am fully aware of it.  I have gotten upset with horrible events in the world. It is enough to set me into a tailspin.


Who is right and who is wrong?  I think we all like being a part of a group that have our thoughts and beliefs.  It is comforting to be with peers that get your ideas. We feel safe. But happens with you are not in 100% agreement? Do we just go along to get along?  Do we stuff our own feelings just to fit in? Do we take a chance and offend someone? We have to dare to stand on our own two feet and face the fear of being a little alone in our beliefs, whether you are left, right, democrats, republican, gay, straight, black or white.


These times are trying, they are hard.  It can be unnerving to keep an open heart.   I worry sometimes that I am the one that doesn’t get it.  That I should be outraged, that I live in a bubble and not caring what is happening.  But then I think back about what my Mom would have said.  “Take your blinders off and see the good in the world”.


There is a deafening strife and struggle right now.  It can’t be ignored and it may get loud and unsettling.  But as history as played out, good usually wins, love always wins.


What I believe in is loving and taking care of our families, friends, neighbors and even strangers.  I believe that kindness starts with a ripple.  Just holding the door for someone, a hello as you pass someone in the hallway, a small conversation with someone standing beside you.  A compliment, a smile, a handshake. An acknowledgment of someone goes along way.



As Maya Angelou stated “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


This is something that I have to remind myself of daily.


It is like the old saying, is your cup half full or half empty? Do you just see the evil or do you see any of the good?


Today, as in the past, I choose to see my cup as half full.  The mass majority of people are good and want what is best for their family, friends and country.  They work hard to do the right thing, are law-abiding, follow the golden rule and just get on with doing the best they can. Living their lives to the fullest, grabbing all the happiness they can and just plain  loving life.


Agree or disagree, this is my belief.  Everyone is entitle to their own way of thinking and behaving.  That is what our great nation was founded on. For me, I will continue to strive to be happy and fulfilled.   To love my family, friends, neighbor, our country and the animals that are entrusted to me.   To trust that God will bless us and keep us.


I am so very blessed with friends and family who see me as an equal,  just as I see them.

If you are still with me and understand my rambling, thank you. I am not a writer, just a girl with a heavy heart who does have an opinion.

Take good care,



John 13:34