On my blog, I will be sharing photos and stories about our life with our cattle, goofy dogs, a crazy cat named Bob, who was found in a dumpster and of course, my infamous cat, Myrtle Mae, who owns everything she sees. Our kids and grandkids live close by and I will probably inundate this blog with cute kid photos (sorry, not sorry). Also, any pottery news, videos or creative stuff happening in my studio.

Since turning 60 last year, I have felt a pull to be even more creative, to give it my all and take it to another level. I have been in a comfort zone, not pushing myself. I was thinking that since I am not a trained, professional potter, I can’t compete. Who says I have to compete? Like the old saying goes “a flower does not thing of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms”.

I do not take myself too seriously. I want that to reflect in my art. I like to make things that are relaxed, not too pretentious. Things that feel good in your hand and that you will use everyday. I take my inspiration from nature. I love birds, flowers and bees. They are a returning theme in my art.

I am creating pieces that I like, perfectly imperfect. A little wonky and whimsical, and by chance, you like them too, well, that makes me happy!

I have resumed selling my pottery on this website. It is linked to my Etsy page. Take a look around my Etsy shop, I hope you find something you like! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can find my information on this website.

Thanks to those who have been my blog friends since the very beginning and to the new friends I have found along the way. I appreciate all you kind words, inspiration and love. I think kindred spirits have a way of finding each other. I have been introduced to some very talented, supportive, awesome artists and friends through blogs and social media. I love the way we support each other, whether we have met in person or not. I do not take that for granted and I am grateful for our friendship.
Take a tour around the website, let me know what you think! There may be a few tweaks here and there, but I love my new website home and I hope you visit often!

Take care and be nice to each other.
Until next time, be blessed!
Isaiah 40:31
Good to see the web site up. I’m sure you have a link to your esty site, I just missed it the first time I looked.
Take care and have fun.
I’m waiting for the stain glass on your esty site.