What would the world be without laughter and humor? It is a sad day when I don’t laugh out loud. I find humor and enjoyment everyday and everywhere. Even if I hardly see a soul that day, there is always something to smile about.
I was raised by parents who loved to laugh. My Mom was the funny bone in our family. Her humor was wicked and hysterical. Humor and laughter was in her blood. She came from a long line of funny women. My grandmother would say the funniest things at the most inappropriate times. It was so hard not to snicker, she had a way of cutting her eyes at us, giving us the “high sign” not to laugh right now, but just pay attention to the funny stuff going on around us. After it was free and clear, we would laugh about it for hours. My most favorite memories were spending time with my grandmother, her sisters, my mother and her sisters. We would laugh about anything. It was like having Lucille Ball, Carol Burnette, Betty White, Sandra Bullock, Tiny Fey and every other funny woman in the room at the same time.
My mom was saying funny things and trying to make us laugh 20 mins before she passed. God has lots of laughter and joy now!
I am hardwired to find amusement in everyday life.
I am, thankfully, married to a man with a quick, wicked humor. I love that most about him. We laugh from sun up to sun down.
We are bent on passing enjoyment, fun and silliness down to our kids and grandkids.. I think they got it!
Our grandkids look at life is such a way that everything is fun. And why shouldn’t it be? Having a sense of enjoyment is free for the asking.

Colt waiting for the birds to land on his arm early one morning.
There is so much crazy, bad stuff being thrown at us everyday. I know people that get caught up in that and it brings them down. They don’t see the good stuff, the funny stuff, the goofy stuff right under their nose. It is a shame to always look at the bad side.
God intended us to laugh, why would he have put so many funny things on earth? Like the Platypus or that lizard with the rotating eyes? I find humor in nature and animals to be inspiring! They really don’t know that the world is in chaos, they choose to find joy..

This is just a weird photo. My cow Hilda eating my cactus while Lulu acts all tough…
It is great to have friends that share the same sense of humor that I do. It is weird how we somehow find each other!
Nothing is better than having a meal with good friends and laugh. It can be a business meeting or just hanging out, if we are laughing, it is all good!
Finding happiness and joy is easy. Just look around! Everything is an adventure in fun if we watch innocent and young. Standing on a gate and watching the cows is so much fun! I would have probable just feed the cows, gave them a head rub and move on to the next chore. But our youngest grandson had it right! Stay and wonder in the sun for a while and smile at the cows, what is the hurry?
So take that time to swim in the stock tank with your dog and kids. Go for a walk and watch the squirrels chase each other or a baby calf frolic in the pasture. You will feel so much better afterwards and your mood will be ecstatic, I promise!
So laugh when you want to, laugh OUT LOUD! It is contagious! You will make everyone around you happy…
…and you will feel even happier!
Have a happy Day!
Job 8:21
Ah so very true!!! Here in our house laughter is as necessary and comforting as the suns rays and the air we breathe! Beautiful pics Cindy! Romeo especially loves your smiling dog!
Years ago I asked God for a holy sense of humor because I didn’t like some of the things that I laughed at and He has granted my request! I humor myself often as I’m alone all day while the kids are in school. Just this morning one of my daughters was going on about the lama on her shirt watching her sister and they were giggling and having so much fun. And, I was appreciating the gifts he’s given us. Humor doesn’t have to be what a lot of the world has come to know.
Cindy, your words are so
wise and wonderful. And,
your pictures in my IG feed
bring me such joy! Thank
you for that and for just
being such an inspiring and
loving person. I’m so very
happy that I decided to seek
and document my own small
moments of joy with a daily
IG post this year, because it
has reconnected me to such
lovely people as yourself.
Keep laughing, smiling and
wondering at the beauty of
it all!!!
xo Suzanne