Details, details, details.  10897816_806567316056190_4532931090003681074_n

It is easier to see the big picture.  Only glancing momentarily, letting it skim your thoughts and moving on.  It is like looking out an airplane window.  You can see the patchwork fields, big cities and flowing rivers.  But, as you get closer to landing, you can focus on people, cars, cows, boats, etc.  Everything starts to breathe and come alive.


Life is kind of like that.  We can choose to skim on by.  See everything and everyone as a whole.  To be disconnected, a little self-centered and oblivious.  Creating a wall around us, even if unintentional.   Life can be hard, heart breaking and even unfair. We may not even care about the details of our lives, just living for the whole picture.


We wonder if our hearts have turned to stone.  Why even try to sort out details, just live on the edge in a fuzzy haze and misguided understanding.   But do you really think we are supposed to live like that? I don’t think so..


I think we are born to thrive!  To pay attention to the details, work on the details and even fix broken details.   Like the old windmill on our place, until the details of the gears are worked out, it will not turn, will not produce and not bring joy to those around.  Much like ourselves..we may get messy, dirty, even angry and worn out.  But keeping up and tending to the details, we will turn, we will produce and we will bring joy to those around.


Sometimes, we have to retreat to find the details that need working on, being less exposed to the particulars and technicalities.  It is a good thing to pay attention to what needs fixing.  Tinkering with the gears,  asking for help, researching, meditating, praying, trying new things, new routines and opening closed doors.


When we start paying attention to the details, they become more focused upon, more meaningful.  We see the handiwork that is hidden.  We become less obsessed with the dull and meaningless.  We start to take joy in the inner workings, the fine lines and delicate balances. Big stuff loses its shine and glory.  Small victories and accomplishments are thrilling and significant.



The more attention we pay to details, gears, life, family, loved ones, friends, the more we get out of life.  It is easy to paint the world with one big paint brush and call it good. To think we owe no one nothing, being calloused and unsparing only hurts ourselves in the long run.  Hunting out details, glimmers of hope, feelings of grace, investing in relationships, long friendships, partnerships and most importantly, love…is all worth the journey.


It is a big world out there.  It can be hurtful, prideful and hateful, but need each other.  Whether we all agree or not.  We are God’s handiwork, the details and the gears.  We can’t thrive without each other support and connections.  We don’t have to go it alone on one big playing field.  Listen closely to what your details are telling you.  It is the small things that make up the big things. It is the small moments, the shared loved, the tender mercies and grace that contributes to our short time on earth.  I know that I want to love and be loved, enjoy the small wonders and overlooked sentiments that are offered to us daily.


Life is in the details.  Go find it.

Much love to all!

Until next time, xoxo


Matthew 13:32