“I am made for autumn. Summer and I have a fickle relationship, but everything about autumn is perfect for me. Wooly jumpers, scarves, thin, first, then thick socks. The low slanting light. The crisp mornings, the chill in my fingers, those last warm sunny days before the rain and the wind. The moody hues and subdued palette punctuated every now and again by a brilliant orange, scarlet, or copper goodbye.” Alys Fowler
Autumn comes late here in Texas. We are still in the 90’s, It has been a dreadful summer: severe drought, extremely high temperatures, and so many fires. But, here comes the cool temperatures, hopefully, some much-needed rain.
I was driving back from a meeting with a client today. I took the back roads. I noticed the soft light, the goldenrods, and the elm trees turning a beautiful yellow. I turned down the radio, rolled my windows down, and took in the smell and sound of fall coming.
The squirrels were darting back and forth gathering as many nuts as they could for the winter. A deer and her yearling tip their head as I went by. The swirl of the leaves that had fallen and kicked up by my tires, the beautiful blue sky.
Nature quietly goes about its business. Painting the sky, touching the foliage with gold, green, and scarlet colors. One day, it is dreadfully hot, the next day as I open the door to let the dogs out early in the morning, I take in a cool breath of air and rejoice.
I try not to wish my life away. I really try to stay in the present, but I will always wish for autumn and all that it holds.
I am a pumpkin spice everything girl. I love sweaters and boots. Hot chocolate. A fire outside having good conversations. Cool walk in the morning, art shows, and hayrides. Halloween parties, candy corn and fall festivals.
I love to cook and bake this time of year. I love to make bread, soup and stews. The stick to your ribs kind of meal.
There are a few really good farms around me that have fresh vegetables and eggs. One has a huge pumpkin patch that is fun to walk around.
First Earth FArm in Bluff Dale has the best pumpkins, vegetables and flowers. It is a lovely spot to be on a fall day.
We have a cool front coming next week and I can’t wait! The first thing I will wear is my Dad’s flannel shirt while I pick golden rods and sumac leaves.
I have been very busy in my pottery studio lately, but I am going to take a short break. I am going to as many fall festivals as I can, carve pumpkins, and have a spooky Halloween party for our grandkids. I will drink pumpkin spice coffee while searching for just the right pumpkin.
One particular event that I love is the Hico (Texas) Art and wine walk. I will be participating as a featured artist this Saturday (October 15). If you are in the area, I would love to see you! I will have some of my deer shed pottery along with some other fun pieces.
I hope you enjoy your autumn season. It is a time to start resting our souls. My mom always loved this time of year and she practiced the Hygge way of life during this season. She taught me to make a cozy home filled with warm senses and calming sounds. To have fuzzy blankets and hot tea on hand. Let’s all take a big breathe and enjoy the slowing down part of autumn.
Until next time, be nice to each other and breathe..
Much love,
Psalm 46:10-11
Thanks for your beautiful words Cindy, see you at your show tomorrow!
You are a beautiful writer and friend.