I am sitting at my laptop, looking out my barn/home window watching it snow. This is the second day in a row that is has snowed in central Texas.
I was asked the question the other day – What don’t you want to miss…
I came up with lots of answers. I didn’t want to miss my plane to Asheville last Tuesday due to inclement weather (I missed it!), my deadline for taxes, my doctors appointment, hairdresser… I have a to-do list a mile long.
I realized that everyday is full of moments I do not want to miss, to be fully present in that moment.
I get to live in a place where there is so much joy all around. Every where I turn, I see and feel moments that make me smile..
They may be small, fleeting moments but they make me happy…
I don’t want to miss the most important parts of my life….
Seeing the sweetest smile in the world on my grandson Colt’s face as he turns 3..
The love my husband has for me, our children and grandchildren.
Listening to Tess practice her solo singing 🙂
Having calves follow you on your afternoon walk..
Explaining to their mom that I checked them for ticks..
Listening to the birds every morning as they praise the coming day..
A quiet you can only hear if you are still and have an open heart.
There are many moments that I would not have missed… Whispering into my mother’s ear as she passed on to heaven, holding my grandsons moments after they were born, rescuing a helpless weeks old kitten (who is now a holy terror! ha), bottle feeding newborn calves when their mothers can’t, being completely centered when throwing clay, laughing so hard I snort, sitting on the porch with a cup of hot coffee watching the sunrise…
Knowing that I have a God that protects me, gives me a new strength and renewal everyday.
Don’t miss these moments, enjoy each one!
Psalm 32:8
Hi love your pics. What kind of bird is that? And is that mistletoe in the trees?
This is beautiful, my friend! XOXO
Cindy, I always love your
perspective. People are as
happy as they choose to be,
and counting “moments” is
an exercise that I try to practice
daily. As you say, it is most
definitely about being truly
present to the wonders around
us, despite the noise of all the
Hope your weekend has already
offered you some happy moments,
sweet friend!
xo Suzanne
PS: Gorgeous pics…..