That this is a time to start slowing down and make some changes that we have wanted to make. Not really physically, but spiritually.
As I quieted my mind, I started thinking about what Jill was telling us. Yes, I need to stay physically fit, but I also need to be spiritually fit. With all the stuff being thrown at us right now, it is tough to see past the negative courses in our way.
If I quiet my mind and open my heart to the good, the calm, the blessings, maybe I will not be as anxious.
This time of year brings many changes. The days are shorter, and the air is colder, the sun shines softer. It is a perfect time for me to practice and engage in this softer season’s good qualities.
As Jill guided us through the practice, she recommended simple suggestions to help us along with our more self-composed, tranquil way of being. To reach that easy-going, unruffled state of mind, I need to turn off the news, take things off my schedule that doesn’t bring me joy or enhance my life. Quit worrying! I do a lot of that! I conjure up stuff that I think will happen, and it rarely ever does! I need to mind my own business and live my life the best way I know-how. To be open to the many blessings that I do not gather every day. God sends me so many beautiful blessings each day that I fail to see.
I am a hyper, type A personality. It takes quite a bit to settle me down. I am not good at sitting still for very long. I get anxious quickly. Having dyslexia, I am very visual, have difficulty focusing at times, and become overwhelmed and stressed easily. Thus my surmountable reason to practice being at ease and finding solace in everyday blessings.
I will probably never be one of those lucky people who can lie in a hammock on a beautiful afternoon and lull the hours away. As much as I would love that, it would make me bonkers. Instead, I will take Jill’s advice and find the changes I need to do to help me find my own tranquility and calm. It isn’t about “finding myself.” I know who I am. It is about creating a peaceful environment, slowing down and being aware of the moment, and know-how to cope with the ever-evolving waves of anger and unknowns during these times. To keep an open heart, gather all the blessings, and have lots of fun and laughter along the way.
Thank you, Jill, you gave me lots to think about and I will be like my favorite season. I will let go, be rooted, and be softer. It will give me a great chance to put up seeds, refurbish the ground, point my face towards the sun, and enjoy all the splendor this beautiful autumn season has to offer.
I will do my thing no matter what or who is lurking behind me…
Go work in your garden, take a long walk, bake some banana bread, have a good cup of tea with some gingersnaps. Let this season of hygge seep into your soul while wearing your coziest sweater.
Until next good to yourself and kind to others.
John 14:27
Beautifully written, Cindy! Your energy and spirit makes me envious…I’m the sort who really loves lying in the hammock, maybe even taking a nap! Ha Ha!
Happy fall🍁
Thank you, Jane! I am envious of your relaxation skills! I would love to be able to do that. Maybe after a few weeks of my changed, calm ways, I will be able to do that!
I am off to get a hammock!