I saw this on one of my favorite blogs..Brave Girl
It just reminded me to be careful with my words and
and conversations. There is way more important
things to discuss than gossip and drama.
I will try not to get all caught up in someone else’s
drama because I have enough of my own to deal with!
“ It is easy to get caught up in drama. It’s hard to avoid it in this crazy world.
Do your best to stay out of drama induced situations that distract you from everything
in your life that is beautiful and true.
Help others avoid drama by not participating in it. Change the subject, help others around you to see all
that is good in the world. Look around you and make something better…
let things go…forgive people…move past volatile behaviors.
There’s so much to be thankful for, so much to celebrate and SO MUCH GOOD to be
done in the world, that there’s really no time for negativity, pettiness or gossip.
You already know this stuff…you are one smart cookie! Sometimes it’s just good to
be remimded…once we decide to never participate in drama…life is so much
more peaceful…and the goodness in others is made so much more evident.
Isn’t that so much a happier way to live? “
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