Too much.
It has been a busy, noisy world lately. Everything is vying for attention. My iPhone buzzes me with breaking news, texts and messages are constantly pinging. Social media is beginning to be a battle field of opinions, mean-spirited posts, and derogatory comments and not enough kindness. However, I can control that with a flip of the switch.
Don’t get my wrong, I love my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and twitter. I love to see what my friends and family are doing. Events that are coming up, new babies, pets and achievements. Videos of homeruns, slow motion dogs running and art classes. I love that I have best friends that I have never met, to feel so connected through conversations and photos we share on social media. My Fat Cow Studio business counts on this viaduct. One of my favorite things to do, is grab an cup of coffee and flip through instagram, facebook and pinterest.
But what I want to do is be centered. To take all that is thrown at me and create my own opinion, my own priority list. Enough of this rushing through the day not creating, enjoying the beauty around us, hugging a child, petting a beloved animal, talking to a good friend. Flipping the noisy, buzzing, pinging iphone off. Sit on the porch just listening to the owls and crickets and kissing my husband good night.
I know what is important, I know my own beliefs and my religion. To take everything into consideration, be fair and equal. To let my conscience decide which way to go, weighing the good and bad, without judgement, but at the end, listen to my heart. I have made many serious and life changing decision with this theory. It has not led me wrong yet.
I can honestly say that my belief and opinion has never been changed by a post on facebook. I have learned that people are just people and they want to be heard. And that is ok. I still have my same ol’ friends that I have connected with way back when on blogs, etc and make new ones almost daily. We have different religions, political views, lifestyles, race and even languages. I treasure their friendship and want the best for them, as they do for me.
I guess what I am trying to convey and even convience myself is to live my life within my convictions. I have made myself a little nutty watching the news, getting caught up in all the viewpoints, controversy and contentions. It is good to be aware and involved, but we all need a little quiet every now and then.
For myself, sometimes I need to step back, be still and go gently into the day with a heart full of gratefulness and self-reliance.
You be you, get your voice heard, stay strong, never back down and keep reaching higher. Stay true to yourself. I would never take that away from anyone, and would not want to. That is what makes us great, that is what America was founded on.
That is how God made us, to be free thinkers, if we weren’t, we would just be jelly molds.
I will be over here. I will be here for my family, friends and those who depend on me.
Until next time,
Psalm 27:13-14
My nephew is going to Quantico, Thursday, Sept. 28 as a 2nd LT with the Marines, then on to Pensacola. Sam is a true American young man. I am so very proud of him. Always faithful, always loyal. Semper Fi and God bless Sam!
I am with you 100%. How I have loved being reconnecting with family and friends around the world. BUT, I do believe that such things as Facebook are meant to unite, not divide. i refuse to participate in the clamor.
Godspeed to your precious nephew Sam. Tell him that my Dad’s first cousin, Harold Keller, was one of the 40 Marines who was commanded to set a flag on top of Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima so many years ago. He was there when both the first and second flag were set, guarding the perimeter. Before Iwo Jima he was a Carlson’s Raider on Makin Island, the ‘Long Patrol’ behind enemy lines on Guadalcanal, was shot on Bouganville, came home to recover, the Raiders were disbanded, and then he was told to take Mt. Suribachi. He survived the war, came home to Brooklyn, Iowa to raise a fine family.
Love from Indiana…..Chris
This is so true! I love the way you use social media to advance positivity and not more chaos. You have been such a great example to me in so many ways. Continue to speak and write because I know it brings so much joy and peace to all who are able to read it.
I’m so proud of Sam! He’s grown into such a great man! I will be praying for him as he starts this next big chapter of his life.
Much love from Australia- Morgan