Lucy and her baby bull  Liberty were having a little discussion when we were checking the cattle last night..

Someone was testing his mother’s nerves…

After a little kiss and make up..
All is well with Lucy and Liberty.

but on the side lines, a little romance was in the works..

Baby Dewey wasn’t real impressed
It was like he was telling his mom and dad.
“please are embarrassing me!”
“ok,  we will wait to you are asleep”..

On another note,  one of my facebook friends, Amy from Junk Love & Co.,
son and father-in-law were in a terrible car accident.   Her son is in the PICU.
My other facebook friend, Barbara with Shabby Cowgirl is organizing a Auction
with all kinds of goods from lots of Artist and friends.  The Auction will be this Sunday on facebook.  All proceeds will go to Amy to help offset the medical expenses.
Please go to my facebook page for more information.  
Thanks, I am sure Amy will appreciate it!
Have a good weekend!