My mood a few days back.


I was getting bombarded with all kinds of things.  Things that may seem small to some, more than they could have handled to others.  I could not get my bearings set, a good nights sleep or keep my heart from racing.  We all get bad news, sad news or even news that can make us mad.


I just wished to lie down and do nothing.  Just step away from what was constantly circling my head.



But, I couldn’t and didn’t want to do that.  That is not in my nature.  I am a figure it out, make a plan and get on with it kind of person.


One of the ways that I can calm myself is to be outside. I look to nature for signs that give tenderness, understanding and joy.  Listening to the silence, the birds, my grandkids laughter, my husband calling the cows in.


You know the old cliche..”It is the simple things”.  Well, that is my mantra.


Little things add up to big things.  A day full of little, wonderful surprises add up to a great day.  Even in the midst of this season of unwanted turmoil or situations, if I find the tiniest thing to smile about, my day instantly gets brighter.


We only get one chance to get it right while we are here on earth.  I can’t change what life hands me sometimes, as much as I want to, I can’t.


But what I can change, is my attitude and my manner in how I handle the circumstances.


I believe in faith, hope, everlasting love.   I believe we can handle what is handed to us with the grace of God, a higher power and miracles.


We are all on a journey.  Sometimes it is rocky, slow going and what seems like never-ending.  Sometimes it is smooth sailing, free-flowing and beautiful.


The beauty provided to me doesn’t change whether I am melancholic or broody, the stars are always there, the sun will shine again and I will see a rainbow, the blue birds and a newborn calf.  Life and her unwavering abundance doesn’t stop showing up because I don’t.  It is up to me to fall back into the rhythm of an ongoing existence.


Another quote that I like is “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day”.   That is what I strive for.  I do my best to see the bright side of life.  I may be the foolish one, the dreamer, whatever.  But I choose to see that good things are coming.  Maybe not in my life here on earth, but there will be a day when everyday is joyous.


Until that day,  I will drink my coffee with our cows,


set aside a few moments to relax and regroup,


Eat good food, have a fresh taste,


watch the blue birds and love unconditionally.


“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Marcus Aurelius


Until next time, much love and smooth sailing!



John 14:18