

“I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog.” -Om Malik It is the middle of winter here in Texas.   Each day is a new season.  One day we are pushing 90 degrees, the next we are having ice storms. But the in-between...
Pottery show this Saturday

Pottery show this Saturday

I am getting ready for my show, this Saturday, October 12 at Hill Country Dwellings and Gallery in Hico, Texas. I am very honored to be their featured artist.  I always have such a fun time doing this show with them.  I see old friends and meet new friends. This year,...
I am still around!

I am still around!

Click here to see a glimpse of my week. copy_A0D6D2B3-0744-4F47-B427-97BBF4617B7B I am still here!  I have had lots going on lately.  First and foremost, I finally retired last week. After over 34 years of drafting and computer graphics, I don’t have to set my...
The end of a season

The end of a season

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year.  It is a welcome relief from the scorching Texas summers.  I love to walk outside early in the morning with a cup of coffee and breathe in the crisp air with my feet ground into the cold grass. My favorite holiday is...